Amateur Radio, HF propagation and other stuff

QSY to Solar Monitor

Saturday, March 31, 2007

2007 CQ WW WPX SSB @ LT1F M/2

We just had a great time during last WPX SSB contest. We were trying to put together a Multi Multi operation, but our friends from LP1H had decided to test LU5HM's station in the Multi Single class. Lucas also invited Roberto LU2FA, the owner of LR2F, but Roberto had also organised a Multi Single from LR2F, with LU6ETB, LW7DX, LU5FF and LU1FZR. Roberto is continually improving his station and has already achieved a great performance.The LT1F team for this contest included: Karl LU1FKR (the owner and driving power of LT1F), Lucas LU1FAM, Fabian LU1AEE,Juan Pablo LU4DX, Diego LU8ADX and myself. Everything was in place for the contest. LU1AEE and I tested the station during ARRL DX SSB, and there were no issues, except for the 20 M ant not rotating 360º. On Friday I woke up early around 4 AM, to go to LU8ADX's where we were to meet LU1AEE. From there were traveled to LT1F bycar, it is a 3 hour trip. When we arrived in LT1F, LU1FKR was there working as usual. We unpacked everything including LU8ADX's Ameritron AL 1200. Carlos prepared dinner for us. A great BBQ! We spent a long time talking about our hobby, future improvements to the antenna farm, etc. etc. Around 4 PM, LU4DX arrived in. Juan Pablo carried his IC 775 with Inrad roofing filters for the occasion. Carlos, started to hook up the coax stubs at the output of the Six Pack. Each stub is located at an electrical 1/4 of wave of the reject freq away from the amps.
All the photos available at:

I set up the network and N1MM was ready to go. We had positioned the two stations side by side so the ops could reach the antenna switches and rotor control boxes easily. Although the stations were very close spaced and sharing antennas through the Array Solution Six Pack, there were no inter- station interference at all. We even did not connect the RX bandpass filters, with only a couple of exceptions during the weekend, and not because there was QRM, but just in case. LU1FKR also set up an Icom IC 765 for spotting purposes, connected to a Log Periodic. Mainly to check for 10 m openings.We had no cluster this time, so the only way to know when 10 opened was to listen to the band. Around 6 pm, Lucas LU1FAM, arrived and the whole crew was there.Prior to the contest, we talked a little bit about propagation and decided that 15 and 20 would be good options to start the contest. Indeed it was the right choice as we ended the first hour with almost 400 Qs.

Then things started to slow down as we moved towards the low bands. 20 M remained open for quiet a long time. 40 mts was very tough this time. You know, March Equinox is not a good time for 40/80 mts from LU. May for example, is much better. So we spent most of the night on 20 and 40. 80 was very nosy, and with week signals, at least in the 2 el wire array. We decided to take that array down, cause we were never satisfied with its performance. The array was built in the previous years. It was a 2 el driven broadside array, supposed to have the radiation pattern favored to North, but well. During the previous days Karl and I decided to install a 2 el full size Delta Loop for 80 mts, what we did on Saturday. I designedthe antenna using MMana-GAL and Nec for MMana. The whole installation process took about 10 hours from 10 AM to 8 PM. We really learnt a lot doing this job. But most important that when it comes to antenna performance, there is no room for guessing at all. The antenna performed extremely well. We made 41 Qs mostly with USA stations. Everybody copied our Callsign at the first try and gave us very good signal reports, including a 10 Db over S9! As everybody was loud on the delta loop, there was no need to use the Beverage for RX. We tested the delta loop AM during Sunday.Going back to Saturday. When 15 opened everything seemed to be OK, although signals were very week, everybody was so excitedwith the contest, and LU1FKR and I building the Delta Loop, that we forgot to lunch!!!!!!!!!!!Ten meter opened quiet well, including a little but solid EU opening. The first day ended up with 3300 Qs in the log.So we thought that we could eventually achieve some 5500 by the end of the contest, but after 00 Z on Sunday, things startedto change. Rate went down and down during the night. We stayed on 20 and 40 most of the night with the exception of aboutan hour on 80 to test the new antenna. LU4DX and LU5DX on 20 and 40 respectively stayed up all night transmitting long endless CQs to catch a few takers. As I had not slept since 4 am on Friday, and having spent so much energy installing the Delta, Ireally felt tired. LU8ADX woke up at around 5 Am LU time and shifted positions with LU4DX, and later around 8 AM LU1AEEtook my place. I went to bed and requested LU1FKR to wake me up at noon to cook the GIANT PIZZA.

I woke up at 1215 LUT, and started the Pizza Ritual. Which ended at around 1530 LUT. Needless to say the operation stopfor a while so everybody could join the pizza party. LU1FKR achieved PIZZA MAN Honors this time! He was great in gettingthe fire ready to cook the pizza.About Sunday we can only say it was really slow!! 10 and 15 m never really opened. We hear several times LR2F running stationsat a good pace, but all the calling stations were dupes for us.The contest finished on 40/20 with a round of applause.
We all really want to thank everybody for the Qs. Congrats to the AN8A boys for a job well done. Also congrats to theOE4A boys for achieving such a great performance from their beautiful station. We really hope to work many of youduring WPX CW, this time a bigger delta loop and more Pizza!

Call: LT1F
Operator(s): LU1AEE, LU1FAM, LU1FKR, LU4DX, LU5DX, LU8ADXStation: LT1F
Class: M/2 HP
QTH: Rosario
Operating Time (hrs): 48
Band QSOs
160: 0
80: 41
40: 509
20: 1398
15: 2169
10: 764
Total: 4881 Prefixes = 1191 Total Score = 18,558,162
Club: LUCG
Rigs: IC-775DSP (LU1FKR), IC-765 (LU1FKR), IC-775DSP with Inrad roffing filters(LU4DX)Amps: Drake L4B (LU1FKR), Ameritron AL-1200 @ 1000 W (LU8ADX).Antennas: 28: 6/6 el yagi (not in stack)21: 6/6 el yagi (stackable)14: 5 el yagi / 4 el yagi (not in stack)7 : 3 el yagi KLM type3.5: 2 el Delta loop aimed at USA (LU1FKR/LU5DX)RX: 600 Ft bev straight North
Coaxial Stubs at the output of the array soulition 6 pack.Logging Soft: N1MM - 2 Pc networked via ethernet.